Burmese Canadian Network ျမန္မာ
ကေနဒီယန္ ကြန္ယက္
of Burmese Canadian Network (B C N)
19 September 2017
We Stand
with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi for Peace in Myanmar
is the Time of Crisis. There is only One People,One Leader, One Army At this
moment. This is the chance to Unite All. We Stand for our Country, Our Nation
and Our Leader who needs all the support
at her very difficult time when she has been unfairly criticized by the
whole international community.
2. These
responsibility falls primarily on Government of Myanmar and Myanmar Army
Authorities. It also requires the commitment of people inside and outside the
country including Myanmar people living in Canada. We need to give full support
to the Government of Myanmar led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and we need to promote
awareness among all Canadians about the truth behind all these violence,
atrocities and thousands of innocent women, elders and children displaced from
their homes on both sides.
3. We
condemn the attack on securities forces of August 25th along northern border
stations. We fully support the action taken by the Government of Myanmar in
assuring police and security forces in Rakhine State to protect all residents
in the area.
Canadian Network is Nothing against race or religion; we have concerns for all
innocent civilians But We Strongly
condemn the terrorism, extremism and violence; also fabricated news.
Burmese Canadian Network Concerns the fact that we are small minority community
in Canada Vs. large Muslim Community in Canada (same thing in Northern Rakhine
State with ethnic nationalities Rakhine, Mro, Dinet, Hindi are minorities total
70,000 population; Muslims are majority in that region with over 800,000)
Canadian Network issues this Statement because of we are mostly voiceless
minority community similar to voiceless forgotten minority Non-Muslim native
ethnic nationalities (Rakhine, Mro, Dinet, Hindi) in Northern Rakhine State in

Burmese Canadian Network
(1)U Than Aung (Edmonton ) ,
Co-founder and Coordinator (Western
Tel:(780) 953 9877
Timothy Zaw Zaw (Mississauga),
Co-founder and Coordinator (Eastern
Tel:(437) 992 5417
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Burmese Canadian Network Group.